Monday, January 7, 2008

A Comedy of Errors???

All are very well aware of the tsunami that has hit the cricketing fraternity! On one hand we've our own Bhajji accused of racial slur and the other hand a bunch of wrong decisions that cost us the Sydney test... We can see new developments that have been shaping up and continuously being flashed across numerous news channels!! A visible sign of errors in umpiring that too by the highly held umpire Steve Bucknor. More worse, Australian players using abusive words against our players! I thought that for a moment the spirit of sportsmanship was lost somewhere in deep rooted hypocrisy of the so called WORLD CHAMPS!!! In a sense, the hearing at ICC was bent towards the Aussie side and they didn't take into account the plea of our players. There are lot of unfair things happening and the best thing would be Indian Players pulling out of the tour without bothering about the consequences or monetary issues! Nothing would be more than justifying our players and their dedication towards the game. Guess the Aussies have become too complacent and also over-determined to leave no stone unturned to be winners for the world out there! Thanks to the Aussie Media - they are cursing their country team for being rude and irrational thus spoiling the spirit of the game! And worse of all Ponting is facing the heat of the hour... guess he might even get sacked! One wonders how could Bhajji pass a comment on Symonds. India has huge number of people who are of different ancestral descendants unlike other countries mostly dominated by Whites. Who knows what will be the outcome of all these tamasha that is going on! More over we may either pull out of the series, Appeal against Bhajji's ban or just play rest of the match if a stay is ordered on the ban slapped bu ICC panel temporarily! where all these events will ead will be revealed as time passes on!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year 2008!

Am updating my blog after a long time! I’m relaxed after months of strenuous course work. And the effort has paid off well cos my exams went on well. And then comes the heralding of the New Year. A new year brings new hopes and aspirations and of course its time for making resolutions and also partying!!! We wish our near and dear friends and relatives that the coming year may bring them joy, peace and prosperity! Since mobile revolution has been so widespread, we wish all before hand to avoid jamming of the network! All this for a day or so…

We think New Year means partying hard – it’s a literal meaning. But, is it all?? I don’t think so! There are many other things we need to think of! There are hundreds of people who are in need of help – a prayer would mean a lot to them! Can’t we even spare a minute to pray for those who need help?? We could even pray for the welfare of our country and for ourselves – the citizens! Partying is fine – but even overdoing it is harmful. We can see news channels flashing different untoward incidents in which innocent people are attacked upon – especially women. We are not so culturally forward to say that women are safe even if they are walking alone in the midnight!! NO!! We still need to be more proactive in being more civilized and try to avoid all these unexpected things! One more threat is terrorism! It came as a shock when Benazir Bhutto was killed! Who knows when we will be targeted –I mean Indians as whole – u never know!

Let us hope that this year 2008 – we will be more productive in the contribution towards our life and also to our nation’s future and secure from any kind of life-threatening incidents.