Friday, November 23, 2007

A Small Thought...

After a gap, am back with a few lines for my blog… there’s a lot of course work being done and I was wondering what I wanted to become long time back and what I’ve become now (or rather I will become)!!! In another 7 months, I will be a software professional. And I still laugh to myself thinking what I wanted to become long time back!! Back in school, I used to be too much interested in social sciences. And my favorite subjects were History and Geography. I used to fear Mathematics – and the exam would be the ultimate daring exercise for me. I can say an adventure and also a nightmare … But, then in the high school, I was introduced to a very good teacher who helped me get rid of my fear of mathematics. However, geography attracted me the most! I knew I wanted to be a geologist. Yes, a GEOLOGIST!! Time came to select a stream – science, commerce, arts. I mentioned ARTS. Dad and Mom were startled and so were many of my friends.. I got the comments saying – Geologists have to just dig the mud and nothing else! And hence I pursued science (Though dad thought I would become a commerce student). Then came the degree and now masters – that too computer science! Wow, what a journey. Am not complaining about becoming a Science student – but am just happy the way things have turned out for me and the course life has taken amidst these past few years, the times I’ve struggled hard to get past a subject, learning new skills… am enjoying and there is still lot and lots of things to be achieved!! More in the next blog…. :-)

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