Friday, June 26, 2009

Incident unforgettable ...

Hi all,

Its been long since I visited my blog for updations and hence here I'm again to share one of the most important events that has changed my life around recently...

People, in general wait for that person in life who will sweep them off their feet and become their world. And I was not an exception there. I always used to feel that, if its an arranged marriage, you will start getting to know the person as time passes by. In a love marriage things would look quite different. You only don't realise the rapidity and swiftness of these events. But they become the most unforgettable and ever-living part of your lives. The ones which will bring a bright smile on your face. I am narrating one such incident that turned my life around in a jiffy.

It was Saturday, February 28, 2009. Life was just getting settled in Bangalore with the new job and I was still getting into the groove of it. New people, hustle and bustle of the city life, new environment. Dad and mom on the other hand were looking out for suitable alliances.I was least bothered and was just looking out to enjoy the new life that I'd got into. But destiny had some other plans. That morning, I got to know that dad had got an alliance and the photo of the boy had been sent. I just saw it as I got ready to office. Then I left home as usual and lo, got an unexpected call from dad. He said that, the boy's whose photo I just had a look, wants to meet me. I was getting restless, saying "please tell them to postpone". I really got nervous. Unfortunately, even my dress didn't suit the occasion.It was very casual. There was no reverting back too. I had a rather dividing feeling that this guy will say NO. But that given the probability was just 90% - what about the remaining 10%?

Having all these thoughts in mind, I reached office.I was greeted by my colleague(the one who is close to me)as usual. She saw me very panicky and asked me what was the matter! I narrated her the whole thing and she just started boosting my confidence saying things will go fine. She told me "Don't worry, just go and see the boy, who knows you may bump in"!! And as we were talking, lo I got a call from the boy himself. He said "Hello" and I was like nervous. The voice said "Is it Archana?" I said "Yeah". He said "I'm Anand. What will be the proper time to meet you?". I blurted "Any time!". Then we decided that we will meet some time at noon. His voice was still lingering in my mind and I was not able to concentrate - I was quite nervous about the meeting. An hour passed by and I had a meeting scheduled. So I'd to inform Anand and I called him. I didn't know it was his dad's number. We planned to meet by the evening. The more the time passed, the more I grew nervous and anxious too.I was also thinking about the conversation that was to happen...

It was around 4 PM that evening. Anand called me saying that they had reached my workplace. I told them to be at the lobby. As I reached the place, I started scanning the whole place since it was filled with lot many people. I saw a girl and a boy next to her turning his back. Suddenly as I approached them, the guy turned back. It was HIM. My heart skipped a beat. I tried to give my best smile to Anand and his family members as I approached them. He was accompanied by his sister and dad. His sister was smiling at me which was easing me out a bit. I said hello to everyone and led them out for a place to sit. We sat in the canteen and over coffee, I spoke to his dad and his sister - rather was nervous to look at him. After some time we were left all alone to talk.

We were strolling around the premises and were beginning our conversation. The conversation started with our work and education in general.I was still nervous to look at him and I knew consciously that he was gazing at me. But, some how something about this boy drew me closer. His mannerisms, his humorous way of putting things and of all, the clearness in his words was pulling me closer to him. Somewhere I knew I wanted to know more about him, his life, his likes and dislikes. His boyish charm, frank speech attracted me ever than I expected. Then he asked about what I expect from my life partner and vice versa. After roaming around for a few minutes, we were seated on a bench and continued our conversation. I knew that a decision was to be taken today and I was eager to know his decision.But I'd already made a decision that if this boy says YES, then it will be an YES from my side. But still decision was pending.

In the mean time, my brother was nearby and arrived at my workplace. He passed through us, but as I was engrossed in the talk with Anand, I really didn't see him. I'd a dilemma in my mind whether it will be a yes or no from his side. Suddenly he said "I'm ok with you becoming my spouse, what about you? No hurry, you can take your time.". I was speechless as this was unexpected for me.But I knew my answer if this was the answer. I told him "I'm ok, but I need to consult my parents on the same." My brother arrived on the scene and I introduced him to Anand. Then we all proceeded towards the place where his family was waiting. We conversed for some time and finally the time came to depart for the day. We exchanged our numbers towards the end.

Finally as they left, I knew my knight with the shining armor had arrived to take me away with him to a land which was to be different from what I was living presently. Life had to have some adverse changes and the time had come for it.I saw him for last time, with a smile and a gaze - my heart skipped a beat. As I left office that day, I knew this was a commitment and I heartily embraced it with smile on my face.

Our families met the very next day and confirmed the alliance. Anand and myself got engaged on the 19th of April and going to get married in August... And very much committed in our relationship :-)


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