Monday, November 24, 2008

Economic Crunch & what next??

Well, the economic crunch has put the whole world under pressure. Diplomats are running hither and thither to clean up the economic mess. Everywhere one can hear the words rate cut, liquidity, stock etc., But guess what, its getting worse. People are losing their jobs, livelihood and what not. The traders and stock brokers who have invested huge money in the markets have incurred huge losses and some are taking to suicide. One of the most powerful and prosperous country of this world, the USA is under a recession. Japan was the next to follow. People working in various sectors have lost their jobs in the name of lay-off's. In such a situation, what will people do for livelihood? Every year, scores and scores of graduates are passing out of college - what is their fate? I saw in a news channel some pathetic scenes faced by people due to recession. People have taken to begging on the streets with their families.

Coming to the scenario in India, our government is taking every step to motivate growth in all sectors. But the outsourcing part is a cause of concern. Most of our business is dependent on the US and they are dependent on us. Its Interdependency basically. I feel strongly that, this interdependency cannot be weakened due to lack of skilled labor in the IT, ITES industry. Even, Indians are feeling the pinch in their finances. I heard some people telling that they fear of lay-off's in their company and are well aware that economic crisis is taking a toll.

Only time can tell when all these problems get solved... Hope they get solved soon and we make way for a bigger growth and employment in all sectors - atleast amongst ourselves...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sweating it out!

Exercise literally means doing some physical activity to keep oneself fit and strong. But, the way of exercise differs from person to person. Let me share some info that I recently read - which I thought clears the bad perceptions about fitness. Some people are blessed with physique that never puts on weight - eat what ever. Some people have an overweight kind of body structure and the rest Obese. But how do we actually define a proper fitness regimen for a person?

Its a known fact that a person tends to put on weight due to the unused calories that accumulates in the body. Putting on weight is easier - but reducing it is an uphill task. For men, the fat accumulates in the belly area and for women hips and thighs. If people have a broader frame and tend to put on weight, it seems obese. I've seen people who are obese than one would expect. They have various health problems that are caused due to obesity. For example - hypertension, some deficiencies, hormonal imbalance. Obese people even have difficulty in walking and carrying their own weight.

Fitness experts always point out that stressful lifestyles contribute towards obesity and a host of other problems. Stressful work, over-eating or under-eating, lack of movement, tension and pressure are all causes for concern. How do we battle the weight-gain then? Is it by becoming anorexic? Is it by just exercising for a period of time and coming back to routine? Is it by the use of some weight-reduction machines, pills etc.,?

The simple answer is "Proper Lifestyle". By this I mean, proper diet, a small exercise regimen and of course - a positive frame of mind. One of my uncles, who's a doctor, advised me that we must eat until we feel full. We must include all essential nutrients like Proteins, carbohydrates, Sugar and even fat (in a small quantity instead of avoiding totally). We have to make sure that our calorie intake is proportional to the work we do. Suppose, if you have had a bar of chocolate, make sure you have worked out or burnt all those calories. Or if you just have had some homemade sweets, make sure you have it within a limit. In simple words, make sure you've burnt out those extra calories.

Next step would be to Exercise. It is better to exercise atleast 15 minutes a day. Exercise may mean practicing Yoga or any other form that will keep you in shape. It is also good to walk for half an hour every day atleast for 3 days a week. If not on weekdays, try to make up on weekends. And above all, we need a positive frame of mind that will help us get rid of unwanted tensions and help us in reducing weight - if we are overweight.

Having given such an info, I feel its ok to bump into a feast of chocolates, pizzas, burgers and other tempting foods occassionaly ;)

So just get out for a positive and healthier lifestyle!

More in the next post! Cheers! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Its our 61st Independence day. What a day to rejoice – the day when our country was freed from the clutches of the British rule. Well, a huge struggle to get freedom is commendable! But, our country faces more problems even to this day. Inflation, strikes, agitations, corruption and what not! These problems seem to have no end.

In the sports end, India lost to Sri Lanka the test series and looking forward to the ODI series! Next comes the superb Olympic gold by Abhinav Bindra! That is a sort of the gift the nation and its people for the independence day. Wow! And what’s more. India will play football for the first time in the Asia cup after 1984. Isn’t it an indication that true talent always shines when it has the total dedication of the related people!

Inflation seems to be a never ending woe. It’s soaring to heights where it’s getting difficult to tame it. And the J & K unrest is still continuing! This forms a black mark on the face of the I-day celebrations! We’ve some serious issues to be tackled!

On this occasion, let’s hope that our country soon gets out of these huge problems and go on the path of growth and development. I wish all my fellow countrymen a very happy INDEPENDENCE DAY. JAI HIND & PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN ALWAYS! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A New Star...

I was watching TV the other day and came across the promos of the movie LOVE STORY 2050. First of all, i was not even aware that the hero -was Harman Baweja. I saw the song where he was dancing and Priyanka with her hair dyed red. I was wondering why Hrithik has lost weight and the muscles. Seriously, I mistook Harman Baweja for Hrithik Roshan. Clearly, Harman has got some of Hrithik's looks! But not totally!! :P

This bought back the memories of my school days. I was in high school then and Hrithik Roshan made his debut with Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. Like any other teenager, even I was mad about Hrithik Roshan, his looks, dancing. I was desperate to watch the movie. And in those days, Hindi movies used to be in theatres here after 10-15 days of the actual release! I'd to persuade my dad to take me to the theatre to watch the movie. And the songs were also excellent - in the lips of each one who had all those silly crushes and puppy loves! Lol! I specially loved the song Kyun Chalti hai Pavan.. and till today its one of my favorites! I purchased nearly three copies of the album and also a huge poster of Hrithik!

Now one may wonder why i wrote this! Actually, the nostalgic moments that i sensed prompted me to pen down my thoughts here! Harman will hopefully be the Hrithik of the present teen generation!

More in the next post... :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

As a Citizen...

I've logged on to blogger after a very long time indeed... The thing which is keeping me occupied is my project work. 10th of May 2008 will be a memorable day of my life. Why? because, i exercised my right as a citizen of India. I cast my vote for the first time.. You may ask what is the big deal?? I'd this great bias going through my mind - whether to cast my vote or not. I've always had this feeling that Indian politics is very fake and things are done only to corrupt more and more people. People vote thinking that the government they elect will do something for their betterment. Its always that people who run the government fill their pockets leaving the poor poorer. (As the saying goes, RICH GET RICHER, POOR GET MUCH POORER). One thing that was positive and what crossed my mind was that, if my single vote could help in changing the society, why not? I will feel happy that I cast my vote and the people of my locality got a better facility from the governance. Then did I realize, staying in a society doesn't mean all. Doing something for its betterment is the real goal.. Hoping that the soon-to-be government will do something to improvise the locality and my town :)

Signing off for now...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Sometimes, i wonder how we miss some important people in our lives. We spend very less time with them and start having a special liking for them. It may be small things that make the bond so special. Once these people are gone, its only the sweet memories they leave behind! Recently, my grandparents visited us. And this time I was the only person available at their service. I used to help them in small chores and I used to be like a butterfly flying around the house managing things when it was time for them to rest. Small things like getting their glasses, getting them glass of water, laying out lunch on the table, preparing tea, taking thatha for a walk, listening to paati's mumbles etc.., And once they left from here, i used to feel so bored and lonely. That is when I realised that staying alone is not always possible. We need people around us to love, teach, inspire and encourage us in whatever we want to do.

This is not the only instance. My younger bro is doing his MBA in Bangalore and is away from me. I now miss the fights, the jokes we shared, the times we spent together playing something or just roaming around casually. I miss my close friends who have left this place for their career sake and gone out leaving only memories. Though we're not able to spend time, we just talk over the phone, pass mails and whatever we can do to say each other that we are missing them... This also reminds me that we all are here to stay but with our own individual goals. Lots of things to be achieved and experienced in such a small world...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Think...

Walking alone in the wilderness I’m touched by the cool breeze. Having a stroll around, I’m alone. During loneliness, you really tend to think and self-assess yourself. Is there any other thing more important than analyzing our thoughts, thinking about the next step and such things!! Most of the time when we are amidst friends, we forget our individuality and mingle one in one as a group. But, when we are alone, then do we get the time to analyze ourselves.

When I’m alone I’ve lots of questions running in my mind. The questions generally relate to my behavior, thoughts and actions which I did the last day. Did I execute my work properly? Did I fail somewhere? Did I hurt anyone? After analyzing the past, I tend to think about the present day. How should my plan my day? What should be my agenda today? What things have I got to complete? Etc., and Then about the future. The big question arises – WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HAVE IN STORE FOR ME?? I know that the future has something in store for everyone. There are hopes, aspirations and dreams – whether they will come alive, only time can tell. And there in the eastern horizon I find the first appearance of the Sun – orange in hue adding a little colour to my hopes. Sun always rises in a dull orange hue and goes on to become the brightest thing after it rises to a certain elevation. In the same way, our start may be a little dull, but definitely our hard work and efforts can make it brighter and promising!

Signing off for now…

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Confusing Identities...

All of us aware of the Mumbai Vs North Indians tamasha. It’s a brainchild of some minority communal forces that are always finding ways to gain political stand. But, amidst their clashes, they killed a fellow marathi himself. What a pity! News channels were broadcasting visuals of activists beating poor migrant laborers. Some people from North India were running away from their shelters in fear. Is it the sign of modern, civilized and secular India? All these things make the country’s unity a big joke in the international scene. Before becoming a Marathi, Kannadiga, Andhraite, Malayali, Bihari, etc., we’re Indians. How come do we forget our identity so easily? And those who provoke such activities do it for their own good and not in the interest of the common man – as they promote it to be.

One more magnum opus hit the silver screen. Yes, its Jodha Akbar. I was just amazed by the previews of the movies – its magnificent sets, costumes and most of all the music. All the songs are too good and yes I’m yet to watch the movie. Again, such a great piece of art and creativity is in the news for all wrong reasons. Some Rajput groups have raised objection to the movie. The director has quoted the essential details form the historical pages saying Jodha was Akbar’s wife and not Jehangir’s. If one can go back into the movies of yesteryears, do you remember Mughal-E-Azam? I watched it around two times – and believe me – it’s a master piece by itself. In the same movie, Jodha Bai – a Rajput princess is portrayed as the wife of King Akbar. If the casting was wrong in that movie way back – why were the Rajputs waiting till this time? They could have protested against it in the 70’s itself. All these are thoroughly some kind of political gimmick or a brainchild of some foolish people or people who don’t know how to appreciate creativity. One report also suggested that some groups were trying to create a rift between Hindus and Muslims. I don’t think that sensible people will resort to any kind of communal divide.

What ever we are, where ever we stay, we are Indians all the way… More in the next blog…

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Lovely Thought...

Valentine’s Day is round the corner. Obviously the air smells LOVE, LOVE and only LOVE. Previously, it was meant mainly for lovers. But, is that the only form by which love is expressed or personified?? I say NO. Love is an eternal feeling that any one can feel for any person – I mean one can love their parents, siblings and friends!! Love means to coexist amongst all and giving people their space making them comfortable. It also means respecting and caring for a person whom you think is adorable and worthy of your time. Giving a person your time accounts to giving him/her a part of your life that will never return back. It is only memories that remain at the end. Having said so, friends become a inseparable part of everyone’s life. It is one strong bond that makes you more approachable towards people, changes the outlook towards life and makes life a beautiful journey. I still cherish a Valentine’s day when we friends celebrated by ourselves and had fun!!

Ok, coming to love that arises between a man and woman – the one bond that can turn on to be serious when you are a matured person or infatuation in teens. I wish to stay away from infatuation because it disappears with time. After certain time we may laugh off at ourselves and the foolish things we would have done. If you are in love seriously and finally live together – its luck. If not, then also you are lucky. Because, love has touched you and you know what it feels like when you are caring for the person in subject more than yourself. It’s a feeling that has no bounds – gives joys, sorrows, frustrations and disappointments!! If you have failures, never mind. Its just a pass of time and there were experiences that will make you prepared for the times yet to come.

A reader may find this boring. These words have been drawn out from some instances that I’ve observed in general. Its not wrong to love, but be careful that it will not make you vulnerable to force some one out. If love really wants to nest with you, it will come back where ever it is! But if you force it, it gets worse. And, what can be more pleasurable than loving our friends, family and more than everything Ourselves!!! I wish a very happy Valentine’s Day to all the friends out here. Learn to love yourselves and nothing is more rewarding than this!! I wish to end this section with a quote – “It is better to have loved and lost than to never love at all – Samuel Butler”

Monday, January 7, 2008

A Comedy of Errors???

All are very well aware of the tsunami that has hit the cricketing fraternity! On one hand we've our own Bhajji accused of racial slur and the other hand a bunch of wrong decisions that cost us the Sydney test... We can see new developments that have been shaping up and continuously being flashed across numerous news channels!! A visible sign of errors in umpiring that too by the highly held umpire Steve Bucknor. More worse, Australian players using abusive words against our players! I thought that for a moment the spirit of sportsmanship was lost somewhere in deep rooted hypocrisy of the so called WORLD CHAMPS!!! In a sense, the hearing at ICC was bent towards the Aussie side and they didn't take into account the plea of our players. There are lot of unfair things happening and the best thing would be Indian Players pulling out of the tour without bothering about the consequences or monetary issues! Nothing would be more than justifying our players and their dedication towards the game. Guess the Aussies have become too complacent and also over-determined to leave no stone unturned to be winners for the world out there! Thanks to the Aussie Media - they are cursing their country team for being rude and irrational thus spoiling the spirit of the game! And worse of all Ponting is facing the heat of the hour... guess he might even get sacked! One wonders how could Bhajji pass a comment on Symonds. India has huge number of people who are of different ancestral descendants unlike other countries mostly dominated by Whites. Who knows what will be the outcome of all these tamasha that is going on! More over we may either pull out of the series, Appeal against Bhajji's ban or just play rest of the match if a stay is ordered on the ban slapped bu ICC panel temporarily! where all these events will ead will be revealed as time passes on!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year 2008!

Am updating my blog after a long time! I’m relaxed after months of strenuous course work. And the effort has paid off well cos my exams went on well. And then comes the heralding of the New Year. A new year brings new hopes and aspirations and of course its time for making resolutions and also partying!!! We wish our near and dear friends and relatives that the coming year may bring them joy, peace and prosperity! Since mobile revolution has been so widespread, we wish all before hand to avoid jamming of the network! All this for a day or so…

We think New Year means partying hard – it’s a literal meaning. But, is it all?? I don’t think so! There are many other things we need to think of! There are hundreds of people who are in need of help – a prayer would mean a lot to them! Can’t we even spare a minute to pray for those who need help?? We could even pray for the welfare of our country and for ourselves – the citizens! Partying is fine – but even overdoing it is harmful. We can see news channels flashing different untoward incidents in which innocent people are attacked upon – especially women. We are not so culturally forward to say that women are safe even if they are walking alone in the midnight!! NO!! We still need to be more proactive in being more civilized and try to avoid all these unexpected things! One more threat is terrorism! It came as a shock when Benazir Bhutto was killed! Who knows when we will be targeted –I mean Indians as whole – u never know!

Let us hope that this year 2008 – we will be more productive in the contribution towards our life and also to our nation’s future and secure from any kind of life-threatening incidents.